December 13, 1999
December 13, 1999

Deck the halls with bows of holly, fa la la la la la la la la! Ahhhh, I love the Christmas season. Snow...Family lights...sledding...skiing...mistletoe...hey, know what? I just realized I've never ever been kissed properly under a mistletoe. Sure, a kiss on the cheek from family members, and stuff. But no one to share that mistletoe cheer with. :(

Hehe, ok, corniness over now! Its 6:15 in the morning right now, and I'm all packed up and ready to leave for school in a half hour. Took my shower, got dressed, made sure I got up early. Well actually, I went to bed early, like 5:30, cause I was feeling like shit, and actually still do. Funny it happens during my finals week huh?

Well I woke up at 9:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Probably was up till 12:00, and than feel asleep till around 10 to 3:00, and have been up ever since. Its weird, there is this smell in my room and its putrid now, so I had to get out of there, and later I'll have to mess around and see whats up.

So I got up, watched "Eureeka's Castle." Ever heard of that? I didn't even know it was still on, I used to watch it when I was like ten. Well so I was all excited about that, just you know, feeling ten again. You gotta love those old shows. Oooo, but my favorites were "Smurfs, Rainbow Brite, CareBears, and Popples." They were so fun to watch! Oh yeah, and "My Little Ponys". If they were still on I'd totally watch them.

Sometime I rent the old Rainbow Brite movies, and watch them. I can never get enough of the sprites, and the Rainbow Kids. I mean, come on. Oh, I used to LOOOVEEE Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!! But now they have a stupid new show, with this chick turtle. Oh maybe they took it off. But the cartoon show had been great, along with all the movies.

Anyway, I gotta leave for school in a few, keep happy ya'll!



P.S. Happy Holidays!

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