November 12, 1999
November 12, 1999

Well its 7:00 am and I have almost 15 minutes to kill. Well not really, I do have to pack up my school stuff, and things like that. But this is much more interesting. First class that'll attend today is History, what joyful fun huh?

In History...its a trip most of the time. My teacher treats us like adults, and I like that in him. But I never know whats gonna happen. I bet he is gonna call on me today for an answer, and I'm just gonna be sayin..."uh...uh...uh..." like the idiot I am. But oh well, who gives a shit.

English, well that should be fun, I get to listen to a loud mouth blonde, little girl in that class. But I suppose there are some cool people in there. But if that Missy girl gives me a dirty look again, she won't have that huge nose anymore, I guarntee that!

Photography I like-1. Its a creative class 2. I know lunch is RIGHT after it. 3. And a hot guy I like is in there! But I'm hopin I don't get yelled at by my teacher today or anything.

Lunch is just the shit, when my friend katie actually COMES to school, and doesn't decide to ditch with her beau!! Than I'm alllll by myself, and in a pissy mood for the rest of the day.

Finally, last and not least, its French Class- hah! Bonjour, cava? and thats all I remember at this moment, and here I am taking French 2. Sure Ms. Loop is a great teacher, and I have fun trying to set her up with my OLD French teacher back at North. Mr. Fischer is just the shit, and I'm one of the luckiest people in the world to have met him. He would really change Ms. Loops life if she just gave him a chance.

You know...Thats what I'll do today...I'll ask her about it again and again and again and again, until she gives in! I do admit the guy is pushing 60 but he doesn't look it at all!!! I sweeearr! Ok, why the hell am I telling you this?

Well that should be my lovely day for today, if I feel like writing more later, I will dammit.



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