Short Stories

Heyy, you've reached my short stories page. Some of these are fanfiction, but most of them are from other things. Most of these will probably be romance quickies. I love reading them, so its obvious I love writing them. Actually, I'm just really putting these on here to take up space. But maybe someone will get use out of them. Do E-mail me with comments.


One Night This story is the first one I've posted. Its very short. I mean, you don't have to bother reading this one. :) Well gee, gawsh, doesn't that sound gooodd?? But I guess check it out. Its a short, sappy, quickie romance thing. Go ahead and E-mail me with feedback. Does it suck? Does the page suck? Do I suck? Or am I just darn tootin great? But I love feedback. :)
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