Aliens Quotes
Aliens Quotes

(Ripleys hearing)
"Look at it from our perspective. You freely admit to detonating the engines of, and thereby destroying, an M-Class star-freighter. A rather expensive piece of hardware..."-Van Leuwen
"Forty-two million in adjusted dollars. That's minus playload, of course."-Insurance Investigator

"The shuttle's flight recorder corroborates some elements of your account. That the Nostromo set down on LV-426, an unsurveyed planet, at that time. That repairs were made. That it resumed its course and was subsequently set for self-destruct. By you. For reasons unknown."-Van Leuwen

"The analysis team which went over your shuttle centimeter by centimeter found no physical evidence of the creature you described.."-Van Leuwen
"That's because I blew it out of the goddamn airlock! Like I said..."-Ripley

"I told you, it wasn't indigenous. There was an alien spacecraft there. A derelict ship. We homed on its
"And found something never recorded in over three hundered surveyed worlds..These are your words...
...'gestates in a living human host' and has concentrated molecular acid for blood."-ECA REP

"Look, I can see where this is going. But I'm telling you those things exist. Back on that planetoid is an alien ship and on that ship are thousands of eggs. Thousands. Do you understand? I suggest you find it, using the flight recorder's data. Find it and deal with it before one of your survey teams comes back with a little surprise..."-Ripley

"Goddamit thats not all! Cause if one of those things gets in here, than all this...this stuff you think thats so important, you can just kiss all of it goodbye!"-Ripley

(Lets meet the Marines Baby!)
"They ain't payin us enough for this shit man..."-Drake
"Not enough to have to wake up to your face Drake.."-Dietrich
"What? Was that a joke?"-Drake
"mmmm...I wish it were."-Dietrich

"Hey, ever been mistaken for a man?"-Hudson
"No. Have you?"-Vasquez

"Hey...Mara..who's snow white?"-Vasquez
"She's supposed to be some kind of consultant...apparently she saw an alien once."-Dietrich
"Whhooa! No shit? I'm impressed."-Hudson

"Hey, "Top". What's the op?"-Hudson
"Rescue mission. There's some juicy colonists daughters we gotta rescue from their virginity."-Apone
"Shee-it. Dumbass colonists. What's this crap supposed to be?"-Spunkmeyer
"Cornbread boy, eat it, its good for you."-Wierzbowski

"Looks like that new Lieutenat is too good to eat with the rest of us grunts."-Hicks
"Yeah. He's defintely got a corn cob up his ass."-Wierzbowski

"You never said anything about an android being on board, why not?"-Ripley
" never's been policy for years to have a synthetic on board."-Burke
"I prefer the term "artificial person" myself. Is there a problem?"-Bishop

"Look lady, I only need to know one thing...Where they are..."-Vasquez
"Go Vasquez, kick ass!"-Drake
"Anytime, Anywhere."-Vasquez
"Somebody said alien...she thought they said illegal alien and signed up."-Hudson
"Fuck you man..."-Vasquez
"Are you finished? I hope your right..I really do."-Ripley
"I suggest you study the disks Ripley has been kind enough to prepare for you."-Gorman
"Cause just one of those things managed to wipe out my entire crew in less than 24 hours, do you understand?"-Ripley

"How do I get out of this chicken-shit outfit?"-Hudson

"I am ready, man. Ready to get it on! Check-it-out. I am the ultimate badass, state of the badass art. You do not want to fuck with me. Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you...Check-it-out...
...Independently targetting particle-beam phalanx. VWAP! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart-missles, phased-plasma pulse-rifles, RPG's. We got sonic electronic ballbreakers, we got nukes, we got"-Hudson

"Shit. (into mike) Apone, collect magazines from everybody, we can't have any firing in there."-Gorman
"Is he fucking crazy?"-Wierzbowski
"What're we supposed to use, man? Harsh language?"-Wierzbowski

"How long after we're declared overdue can we expect a rescuse?"-Ripley
"About seventeen days."-Hicks
"Man, seventeen days. We're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are going to come in here, just like they did before,man...they're going to come in here and get us, man, long before..."-Hudson
"Hudson! This little girl survived longer than that with no weapons, and no training."-Ripley
"Why don't you put her in charge!"-Hudson

"My mommy always said there were no real ones...but there are.."-Newt

"Get away from her, you bitch!"-Ripley

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